Terms and conditions

Below you can find the terms and conditions of use of our service.

Terms and Conditions of doitsquare.com

Users who use the Services offered by doitsquare.com declare that they know and accept these general terms and conditions. These Terms refer to the web application "doitsquare.com," owned by the company INSOLOGY STUDIO S.r.l.

Owner of doitsquare.com and the related Services

Via Vasche n. 2 - 21020 CASCIAGO (VA), Italy C.F./P.IVA: 03618840122
[email protected]

About doitsquare.com

doitsquare.com is an app that allows users to generate static and dynamic qrcodes, static qr codes only an immgine representing the text entered by the user and therefore cannot be edited, dynamic ones on the other hand allow editing even once created.

How doitsquare.com works

L'utente che si collega sul sito doitsquare.com potrà creare gratutamente dei qr code statici utilizzando la funzionalità in home page.
Se l'utente ha la necessità di creare qr code dinamici dovrà registrarsi gratuitamente al sito ed avrà la possibilità di creare 1 qr code dinamico con un limite di 100 Scansioni a titolo di prova.
Se l'utente necessità di un numero maggiore di qr code con scansioni illimitate potrà effettuare un abbonamento annuale a pagamento al servizio.
Il pagamento potrà essere effettuato tramite la piattaforma PayPal, i dati saranno gestiti interamente da https://www.paypal.com/ o attraverso la piattaforma Stripe, i dati saranno gestiti interamente da https://https://stripe.com/

User-provided content

Users and are responsible for their own and third party content that they share on doitsquare.com, through their uploading, posting of content or by any other means. Users hold the Owner harmless from any liability in connection with the unlawful dissemination of third-party content or the use of doitsquare.com, in a manner contrary to law.

Files/Images/Documents from the User

Users and are responsible for content uploded via our platform. Files to be accessed by scanning via qr code are uploaded publicly to Amazon AWS servers S3 service https://aws.amazon.com/it/ then searchable publicly without any protection, once the qr code is deleted the related file linked to it will also be deleted.
The maximum size for uploading files is 30MB.


In order to use the Service or any part of it, users must register by providing, truthfully and completely, all the data requested in the relevant registration form and fully accept the privacy policy and these general conditions. The User is responsible for guarding and keeping their login credentials confidential.

The user must verify the email address used during registration, if this verification does not occur within 7 days (seven days) of account creation the qrcodes and any linked files will be automatically deleted from the platform.

Deleting and closing User accounts

Registered users may deactivate their accounts, request their their deletion or stop using the Service at any time, through the doitsquare.com interface or by contacting the Owner directly. The Owner, in the event of a violation of these Terms, reserves the right to suspend or terminate a user's account at any time and without notice.

Paid services

The doitsquare.com Application provides some paid subscriptions or services. The fees, duration and conditions of paid accounts and services are stated in the relevant section of the website.
Payment is made through the PayPal or Stripe platform, and doitsquare.com does not come into contact in any way with payment data - such as credit card data - provided.
Should the owner of each of these third-party instruments refuse to authorize payment, the Owner will not be able to provide the Service and will not be responsible for any delay or failure to use the Service.

Per il piano gratuito/free, che prevede la creazione di un qr code dinamico gratuito con un limite di 100 Scansioni dopo le quali il qrcode sarà disabilitato, non prevede la creazione della tipologia Vcard biglietto da visita. Il Titolare può senza preavviso cancellare il qr code creato nel caso in cui non sia stato aggiornato, scansionato o utilizzato per più di 30gg lavorativi.
L'eventuale recupero di un qrcode richiesto da un cliente che sottoscriverà un abbonamento è di € 200,00 (duecento), salvo diversi accordi tra le parti.

- Vcard

The Vcard standard does not allow the creation of dynamic qrcodes, so if the data of a qrcode to vcard is changed, the qrcode will also change.

Selecting Dynamic vcard will create a page within our platform that will contain the data entered in the form. This page will necessarily be accessible from the Internet in order to make the qrcode scannable, so the data will be "public" though not indexed.


Per il suo funzionamento il sistema utilizza un indirizzo interno link-qr.com per effettuare un redirect sul contenuto deciso dal cliente e rendere appunto il qrcode dinamico. Non è possibile in alcun modo modificare questo url essendo un url di sistema ed essendo necessario per la dinamicità del qrcode.

Printing and dimensions

The minimum recommended print size for dynamic qrcodes (not vcards) is 2cm per side. However, we recommend scan tests and verifications before printing. The complexity and thus readability of the qrcode is related to the amount of information it contains, so we cannot guarantee reading below certain sizes.

Leggibilità qr code

Readability of the qrcode depends both on the size of the qrcode and on overlapping graphic workings (e.g., logos). Doitsquare has no responsibility for readability if it is printed in an inappropriate size nor if logos are superimposed on it. We always recommend scan tests on print preview before producing large quantities.

Password protection

Password protection allows a password request page to be created before the qrcode content/url is viewed. The protection does not guarantee protection of the target file, if a user is a possession of the destionation url of the file they could share it and it would be viewable without a password.


Doitsquare.com is committed to continuous service delivery, however network disruptions and general bugs may cause temporary downtime of our services. You can find uptime information here https://updown.io/p/wgfwm


doitsquare.com is only concerned with generating static and dynamic qr codes, but is not responsible for the activities promoted and carried out by users. The User agrees to hold harmless the Owner (as well as any companies controlled or affiliated by it, its representatives, directors, agents, licensors, partners and employees), from any obligation or liability, including any legal fees incurred in defending itself in judgment, that may arise in respect of damages caused to other users or third parties, in relation to the activities performed and beyond the mere use of the app for the purposes for which it is intended, to the violation of the terms of law or the terms of these terms of service.


By accepting the terms and conditions you are aware that there is no refund or withdrawal of the service before an established time (1 year), you can still delete your profile but no refund is provided.

Use not permitted

The Service shall be used in accordance with the Terms. Users may not:
- copy, store, modify, change, prepare derivative works of, or alter in any manner any of the content provided by doitsquare.com;
- use any robot, spider, search and/or site-finding application, or any other automated device, process or means to access, retrieve, perform scraping or indexing any portion of doitsquare.com or its contents;
- defame, offend, harass, engage in threatening practices, threaten or otherwise violate the rights (such as rights of privacy and publicity) of others;
- disseminate or publish content that is illegal, obscene, illegitimate, defamatory or inappropriate;
- use doitsquare.com in any other improper manner such that it violates these Terms.

Privacy policy

For information on the use of personal data, users and coaches should refer to refer to the doitsquare.com privacy policy.

Intellectual Property Rights

All of the Application's trademarks, figurative or nominative, and all other signs, names trademarks, service marks, word marks, trade names, illustrations images, logos appearing concerning doitsquare.com are and remain the exclusive property of the Owner or its licensors and are protected by applicable trademark laws and related international treaties.

Age requirements

Users declare that they are of legal age according to the legislation applicable to them. Minors may use doitsquare.com only with the assistance of a parent or guardian. Under no circumstances may minors under the age of 14 use doitsquare.com.

Limitations of liability

The Owner, to the extent permitted by applicable law, shall be liable for damages of a contractual and extra-contractual nature to Users or third parties exclusively when such damages constitute an immediate and direct consequence, due to malice or gross negligence, of the activities of doitsquare.com.
User expressly releases and relieves the Owner from any liability, to the extent permitted by applicable law, in connection with any damages or claims of any kind and nature of its own and/or any third party including direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special damages, damages resulting from lost profits, lost revenues, loss of data or replacement costs arising out of or otherwise connected with this agreement. In particular, the Owner informs that each user will be directly responsible for the content submitted in the application.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

These Terms and all disputes concerning the execution, interpretation and validity of this contract are subject to the law, state jurisdiction and exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Varese, the place where the Owner is located. An exception is made for the exclusive jurisdiction of the consumer, where the law so provides.

Online dispute resolution for consumers

The consumer residing in Europe should be aware that the European Commission has established an online platform that provides an alternative dispute resolution tool. This tool can be used by the European consumer to non-judicially resolve any dispute relating to and/or arising from contracts for the sale of goods and services concluded online. Accordingly, if you are a European consumer, you can use such platform for the resolution of any dispute arising from the online contract concluded with the Holder. The platform is available at the following link. The Holder is available to answer any questions forwarded by email to the email address published herein.

Document updated on 23/06/2024